Iveta Mukuchyan - Margo... The Journey Of A Woman part 1


Music Production: Pablo Mateo
Sound Design: Deimos Virgilitto
Music Composer: Iveta Mukuchyan & Brad Cleary
with parts of armenian folk song: Hov Areq
Mix/ Mastering: Levon Navasardyan
Look Creation: Marianna Mukuchyan
Director, Camera - Nic Eve
Director - Brad Cleary
Executive Producer: Iveta Mukuchyan
Producer: Brad Cleary
Writers: Iveta Mukuchyan & Brad Cleary
DOP - Kirk Morgan

I want to take you on a journey with me.
A journey of a woman who was about to die but walked into life again.
A bond bound in the fate of a families history, and a soul whose time came but has cradled mine in their embrace.
October 2017
I was alone, In a foreign place somewhere in the world
my head laying on a hard cold wooden floor, eyes looking through an infinite wall.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes.
Margo….she walked towards me…
I looked beyond the vale of illusion into the depth of my being,
Physically spent, my mind began to wonder the peaks and valleys of my journey.
Exploring them, my fears, their truths.
I was drowning in the giving up while in the same time I was feeling the light of love
Weakness and strength,..dead and alive,..the infinite me.
I had to choose…
The final call was mine.
Margo….she looked so real
She came closer…. 'take it easy’
The hidden threads of energies, understanding my boundaries... their influence.
The true motives of my actions must be channeled properly.
To create the life of dreams I must do the shadow work first
Life is not a performance.
Addiction came in many forms into my life, all with the intent of distraction.
Fear causing the motivating force to wear a mask and hide my vulnerability.
Fooled that darkness is my friend and comforted in the numbness of...the not me.
her voice said '"take it easy"

Acceptance is the remedy
I must handle my pain with the utmost reverence and respect so that fear can’t impede my progress ...
How things start does not determine how they will end.
Take what you need and move to the shore of security to learn best through osmosis, that we are forever and constantly in the state of change.

Perserverance is the way of a peaceful warrior.

And with the smiling eyes of the pureness of the kindest of souls, she stroked and kissed my forehead
childhood memories and whispered searching deep into my eyes..
'take it easy, life is temporary..until we meet again'
Margo died before I was born

text by: Iveta Mukuchyan + Brad Cleary

Армянские клипы
iveta, mukuchyan, margo
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